Varna Pest Control Featured in Times of India - 13th, Dec, 2009 |
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Courtesy: Times of India |
Rat Glue Traps, Trays & Pads |
Varna Enterprises has decided to NOT sell or promote Rat Glue Traps considering they are inhumane and torturous. Sorry, for the inconvenience.
We received numerous mails and calls from our website users suggesting us to refrain from selling this products. And also, we were influenced by PETA's campaign against rat glue traps. We respect their cause, suggestions and campaign. We have also included few of their mails below with their consent.
We offer Ultrasonic Rodent Repellents, the better alternate to permanently chase rodents away from your premise in a very humane way. |
Certificate of Appreciation from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) |
PETA Statement |
Our Sincere Thanks To PETA |
Emails from our Users |
Professor. Nedim C. Buyukmihci, V.M.D.,
Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Medicine |
27 May 2011
Mr. Rajinikanth
Varna Enterprises
No.64, 6th Main,
Hanumanthappa Layout,
Bangalore - 560032
Mr. Rajinikanth:
I am a veterinarian and Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California with several decades of experience dealing with animal welfare issues. As an expert on animal welfare, I hope I can convince you that glue traps are unconscionably inhumane and should never be used.
I have personally observed the effects of glue traps on trapped rodents or other animals. There is no question that any animal, including mice and rats, experience terror, pain and suffering when caught with these devices. Moreover, unwanted rodents are not the only animals who get caught in glue traps, even in a controlled setting. Furthermore, all mammals have a similar nervous system and mechanisms for detecting painful stimuli. The threshold for pain is essentially identical regardless of the species. The similarity in the anatomy and physiology, the survival benefits afforded by being able to respond to painful stimuli, and common sense indicate that the ability to suffer as a result of painful stimuli is similar across mammalian species lines.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 There is no credible evidence to the contrary. To deny that rodents feel pain is like denying that the earth rotates on its axis, it is that fundamental.
Glue traps generally only immobilize, but do not immediately kill the rodents or others who come into contact with them. The harder the animal struggles to escape, the more bound down the animal becomes. The only way death might be relatively quick would be if the animal’s mouth and nostrils contacted the glue in a manner sufficient to prevent breathing. Even under this rare circumstance, the animal would suffocate to death, a death that cannot be considered painless. For the majority of animals who are only immobilized by the glue, death ultimately is caused by extremes in temperature, starvation, dehydration, exhaustion, predation, or self-mutilation, involving extreme suffering.
Some people suggest the use of medicated pellets which trapped rodents might eat and be calmed. This is nonsensical. The trauma of being caught would inhibit an animal’s interest in eating for an undetermined period, allowing suffering to occur in the meantime. Even if a particular individual was interested in food, their inability to move would prevent them from consuming the pellets.
Others argue that trapped animals could be released. Whereas it may be technically true that this is possible, it is highly unlikely that the average user would even attempt this nor know how to do this without harming the animal. Attempts at removal often result in dismemberment with tearing away of body parts such as feet, ears or nostrils, something that is completely unacceptable.
With respect to the issue of disposal of trapped animals, most people who use these traps are unlikely to take the time or have the inclination to quickly end the animal’s life. Instead, the trapped animal and glue board are simply thrown in a trash bin where the animal will continue to suffer for an indeterminate period.
Manufacturers and distributors sometimes state that they are only meeting “customer demand.” Customer demand, however, is not always consistent with good moral principles. Most people have a poor understanding of animal welfare issues, particularly when it comes to rodents. The average person does not think about the feelings of the mouse or rat in her or his home, only on how best to eliminate the individual.
Regardless of how one might feel about rodents, subjecting them to glue traps is an unconscionable manner in which to treat them. Although I recognize that it is sometimes necessary to control rodent populations, nonlethal or natural means should be used as a first resort in order to prevent unnecessary suffering. If lethal methods must be used, they should kill the animal as quickly and painlessly as possible. Glue traps cannot do this and must never be used. I hope your company will take a humane stance and discontinue selling these abominable devices.
Nedim C. Buyukmihci, V.M.D.
Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Medicine |
Mr. Gopi Shankar |
M/s Varna Enterprises
Dear Mr. Rajnikanth
I understand Ms. Deepa has already spoken to you regarding your glue traps and how cruel they are. I am writing to express similar concern about these inhuman traps.
I do understand you are in the business of pest control but I am sure there are humane ways of going about doing your business rather than producing these traps which trap and kill these poor animals. I have had rats in my house and I have caught them using the old-style mouse traps and released them in places far away from anybody’s homes. It did not entail any pain or suffering for these animals.
I am sure you can invest in R&D and move towards repellents rather than continue with these inhuman traps. You will have set a standard for the industry and be a leader that others will want to follow.
Thanks and regards,
Gopi Shankar
Bangalore 560 043
Ms. Deepa Balaram |
Dear Mr Rajnikanth
Following on from our conversation just now regarding glue traps, I am writing to ask if your company could stop selling these cruel products. The suffering of rats and mice when left to die of thirst and starvation is immense. They try desperately to escape from these traps, tearing their skin and even trying to bite off their legs. It is a horrendous death that involves such a lot of pain and distress – I have provided links to two animal welfare websites which explain the issues further:
It was very encouraging to hear that your company is moving more and more towards humane repellents – in fact, I came upon your website while searching for a humane rodent repellent and that was why I had initially phoned, but was shocked to see glue traps advertised. I believe that companies such as yours can play a major role in creating a more compassionate society, educating consumers about humane alternatives to cruel traps.
Thank you very much for considering this request – I do hope to hear from you with a positive response soon.
Warm regards
Deepa Balaram |
Appreciation Letter from Mr. Gopi Shankar. Thank you Mr.Gopi.
Dear Mr. Rajini Kanth
I cannot thank you enough for your kind gesture sir. If only we had more ethical businessmen like you who are not guided by profit alone, the world would be a much better place to live for all humans and non-humans too.
I went to your website and was delighted to see that you don’t sell glue traps and you have made it very clear on your website and that you have a more humane and effective alternative. I could not see my mail, but that’s alright. The important thing is that you have acceded to my request.
I will definitely spread the word about you and your example will encourage us to work towards convincing more companies to stop producing them.
My heartfelt and sincere thanks to you sir.
Gopi Shankar |
Thanks for all your emails. |
Call us directly now at 080-32479942 or write to info@varnapestcontrol.in |